Rules of Conduct

The Milford Town Library is a busy center of information, cultural activities, recreation and learning. We expect all visitors to adhere to the following rules of conduct to ensure that everyone can use and enjoy the resources and services of the library and also to safeguard the public, the library staff, and the library’s equipment and materials. All library visitors must be considerate of others’ rights to work safely and undisturbed. The library reserves the right to require anyone who violates rules of conduct to leave the premises. The library may deny a person entry for a specified time if a person’s behavior continues to violate these guidelines, or if that person has engaged in criminal behavior on library premises. Unlawful activities will be reported to the police.

The following activities are not allowed:

  • Blocking/Impeding access to public entrances or interfering with people entering or exiting the building.
  • Monopolizing/obstructing space, seating, tables or equipment to the exclusion of others.
  • Threatening the safety or rights of another person, including but not limited to, violent or disorderly behavior, threats of violence or abusive language, and possession of weapons.
  • Creating a disturbance or bullying. Using profane, obscene or abusive language, including but not limited to related to someone's identities such as race, sexual orientation, gender, age, creed, religious beliefs, national origin, etc.
  • Bringing animals into the library building without the permission of the library director, with the exception of service animals.
  • Running in any area of the library.
  • Using or storing wheeled devices such as bicycles, scooters, skateboards outside designated areas.
  • Stealing library materials, using false identification to obtain a library card, or using another person’s library card without permission.
  • Committing theft, vandalism or other illegal acts which are subject to prosecution
  • Eating or drinking from an uncovered container in the library, except for designated areas such as program rooms and marked youth services spaces.
  • Using, selling or being under the influence of drugs (including alcohol) while on library property.
  • Smoking and use of tobacco products or substitutes.
  • Littering either inside the library or on library grounds.
  • Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
  • Entering a non-public area of the library without the permission of a staff member.
  • Refusing to comply with the reasonable requests of any member of the library staff.

Board of Library Trustees

Adopted September 14, 2023