
Click any of the images below to get started! library edition





Start searching billions of records to uncover your family's history. Find Federal Census records 1790-1940, Social Security Death Index, Military Records,  Immigration Passenger Lists, and  much more.**In-library use only.**



Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit member organization that works side by side with consumers for truth, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace. Find unbiased reviews of products & services. **In-library & remote access with library card.**


Creativebug connects you to knowledgeable instructors who share their favorite techniques & tips. Sewing, Painting, & More. Unlimited Access. 1000+ Video Classes.



Includes Boston Globe from 1980-present, more than 40 Gale Databases for research on business, health, literature, and more.

An Ancestry product, Heritage Quest has unique material including Indian Census Rolls, Freedman's Bank Records and city directories. **In-library & remote access with library card.**




Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music everywhere you have a screen-your computer, your phone, your car, even your TV. All you need is a library card. hoopla syncs across all your devices, so you can stream titles immediately or whenever you're in the mood.


You’ll need your library card at hand to sign-up for this free streaming service. Find world cinema, documentaries, Oscar winners, Great Courses, and the Criterion Collection.There’s also Kanopy for Kids with PBS faves, classic fairy tales, Muzzy & Little Pim.



Libby is a great FREE resource for eBooks and eAudiobooks from all your favorite authors. Besides thousands of titles in English, material in other languages is also available.


Mango is an all web-based resource for learning more than 70 world languages and self-paced modules for learning English from 20 different world languages. Learn at your own pace, 24-7 and keep track of your progress.


Create a resume, find a career, search for colleges, get career advice.


Learn English or up to 130 other world languages with this interactive tool. Includes Kidspeak learning modules. Learn at your own pace 24/7.

NoveList Plus

NoveList has been helping readers find their next favorite book for more than 25 years. Novelist Plus unlocks great book reviews, author lists, read-alikes, and more! **In-library & remote access with library card.**


Find all the tools you need to discover your passion, ace your exams, and excel in your career.


Major US Dailies provide access to articles and other content from The Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. Be an informed citizen--read from a variety of reputable news sources.