Youth Adult Room Code of Conduct

All library patrons regardless of age are expected to follow the Milford Town Library Code of Conduct. To better communicate specific expectations for behavior in the Young Adult Department, we have created Young Adult Department Rules based off the Library Code of Conduct.

The Young Adult Department Rules are as follows:

Disrespecting staff through verbal or nonverbal communication will not be tolerated.

Respect everyone. No teasing, trash-talking, or bullying.

Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times. Do not touch other people’s belongings without their permission.

If your behavior is making someone else in the room uncomfortable, you will be asked to leave.

Keep the space clean. Food and covered beverages are allowed only if wrappers, crumbs, and spills are being cleaned up.

No yelling, screaming, or shouting. Classroom level of noise is fine in both the Young Adult Department and Children’s Room.

Use headphones/ earbuds for phone conversations, watching videos, listening to music, or playing video games.

Treat the space and materials with care and respect.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees

September 14, 2023